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Pico Max : Grow a Garden Anywhere!

Pico Max : Grow thriving plants everywhere with a click – telescopic LED lights, multiple mounts, and a self-watering system. Anyone can do it!

Pico Max_ Grow a Garden Anywhere

Altifarm has launched a crowdfunding campaign for PicoMax, its newest breakthrough. It's a gardening assistant that defies all preconceived notions about indoor gardening. Pico Max garnered a lot of support from backers after its Kickstarter debut, and it was able to reach its financing target in just 20 minutes.

PicoMax is an all-in-one gardening kit that includes all of the tools you'll need to bring nature inside your home. With no fuss and a small amount of effort. Pico Max's curated system of telescopic LED grow lights, self-watering system, and various mounting options are all thanks to Pico Max's curated system of telescopic LED grow lights, its self-watering system, and many mounting options. PicoMax will give you the best results and a big smile, whether you're a pro or a first-time grower! Each and every time.

Pico, the first iteration of PicoMax, had a hugely successful crowdfunding effort on Kickstarter a year ago. As a result, they were able to raise $1,775,378 with the help of almost 20,000 individuals in the crowdfunding community.

Most importantly, they shipped 100% of orders so far!

Pico, on the other hand, was still a work in progress. They solicited comments from their backers and began the revamping process immediately after. Finally, they are pleased to announce the completion of the world's smartest gardening pot.

PicoMax incorporates the following new features and enhancements.

  1. Bigger size: After receiving numerous complaints about Pico's size, they decided to expand it and make it three times larger. Your plants will have more room to develop and thrive with PicoMax.
  2. Self-watering system: They modified PicoMax's smart watering technology and increased the watering time from one week to ten days. All you have to do now is fill the transparent container with water and let PicoMax do the rest. PicoMax's capillary wick ensures that your plants always get the proper amount of water.
  3. Real-time clock & dimming: Pico's LED light has the potential to harm your plant's leaves, especially if you forget to switch it off. PicoMax solves the problem by ensuring that the plants do not receive too much light, and the built-in real-time clock ensures that your plants receive the necessary amount of sunlight every day without you having to turn it on and off.
  4. Battery-powered: Don't worry about all those cords or a power supply. PicoMax's internal battery allows for unsupervised, non-powered operation for up to four days. Take a rest, knowing that your plants will continue to receive their daily dose of light and water.
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Plants don't have the term "many" in their vocabulary. So, take it a step further and connect many PicoMaxes and Picos to create a multi-tiered indoor landscape. PicoMax is also as adorable as its little sibling. PicoMax is available in three colors: white coral, stone blue, and sea green. Its basic yet cutting-edge design makes it a great addition to any interior aesthetic.

How Does Pico Max work?

Pico Max has an incorporated timer, which is a first in the market. It features its own clock thanks to an RTC (Real Time Clock) microchip powered by a button battery. The function is straightforward: simply punch in your local time in hours on a 24-hour clock using the single button switch on the bottom. Every day, the timer turns on the grow lights at 0800h and turns them off at 2000h. Many devices, such as Aerogarden and Click and Grow, feature a timer that starts when the power is turned on, but the memory is lost when the power is turned off. Pico Max is the only device with an RTC clock-based timer.
This is protected by a transparent cover in the product's accent colors, which highlights the ingenious electronics inside. Some think it looks like an iMac G3 from the past.

How Does Pico Max work?

Battery: Pico Max has a 10,000mAh Li-Po battery that can last for four days and can be charged overnight using a phone charger.

Pico Max ships with a standard rear cover that has curved edges. When the optional battery is ordered, it ships separately with a battery rear cover with a flat back. With a slight additional thickness, one gains autonomy without being tethered to a power source.

Grow a Garden Anywhere with Pico Max! - kingshop1, shop online

 The battery is the single most requested feature of Pico. However, this has a lot of challenges as the power requirement of grow lights are huge. More light energy given means quicker plant growth and conversely, quicker plant growth means more power for long which cannot be sustained by a battery in a small form factor. This is why Pico Max has the first horticultural grow lights that are battery-powered.

Dimming: The LED unit on the Pico Max incorporates infrared proximity sensors that dim the LED lights to limit the light output. 

This is an industry-first safety feature that helps plants avoid leaf burn and tiredness. At 1.5 inches from the light source, we tuned the Infrared Transmitter and Receiver pair to trigger the dimming. The lowered light output prevents leaf burn once the plants reach this height, which they accomplish rapidly thanks to the superb LEDs from OSRAM with particular wavelengths. This also acts as a reminder to either raise the LED unit on the telescopic upright OR prune or harvest the top leaves of the canopy.

Lights: Pico was well-known for his LED grow lights, which brought the sun's power indoors.

Pico Max raises this to another level. The redesigned LED array gets two additional LEDs along with a new wavelength recipe, which supports the widest range of edibles and herbs, ornamentals, florals, and succulent plants, across various growth stages from germination to vegetative to flowering and fruition.


We have full-spectrum white LEDs along with specific wavelengths of red and blue, all from OSRAM Germany.
Pico Max colors - pico self watering | kingshop1